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Myeongdong Yongyang Juk Yongyang Gyoza Discount Coupons

명동영양죽영양교자 할인쿠폰

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10% OFF

10% OFF(※The payment is only available via cash)

10% 할인

현금결제시 10%할인(※단, 일부품목 제외)

10% OFF

10% OFF(※The payment is only available via cash)

10% 할인

현금결제시 10%할인(※단, 일부품목 제외)

Notice (date of use:2025-12-31)

※Cannot be used in conjunction with anyother promotions or discounts
※beverage, liquor excluded
※The discount (or service) is available only for the holder of this coupon.
※Please present the coupon at the counter at the time of purchase.
※Limited to one coupon per person; multiple benefits cannot be applied simultaneously.
※One coupon can be used only for one glass of beverage and not for bottled beverage.
※Please check whether the shop is a member store before using the coupon.

※본 쿠폰은 모바일 화면으로 제시해도 사용이 가능합니다.※기타 프로모션 및 할인과 병용 불가
※음료, 주류는 제외합니다. ※할인 (또는 서비스)은이 쿠폰 보유자 만 사용할 수 있습니다.
※쿠폰은 결제시 카운터에 제시하십시오.

Address 20, Myeongdong 7ga-gil, Jung-gu, Seoul
(서울특별시 중구 을지로2가 199-58)
Inquiries +82-2-755-1328

트립포즈(워터트리) www.trippose.com / help@trippose.com / trippose@gmail.com