Taean Tulip Festival
Taean Tulip Festival
At the 2015 World Tulip Summit held at the Suncheon Bay Garden exhibition, Taean Tulips Festival was selected to be one of the world's top five tulip festivals, including America (Michigan, Holland), Canada (Ottawa), Japan (Honshu) and India (Kashmir). The advanced planting technique used is one of the biggest determinant factors that leads to the recognition. The upcoming Taean Tulip Festival follows a theme of 'The Garden of Artists' and tulips forming images of well-known figures such as Mona Lisa and Marilyn Monroe can be seen after sunset as they are lit at night by LED lights. 春のうららかな日、雑踏とした都心から抜け出してチューリップを観賞して余裕を感じ、泰安の美しい海とおいしい料理で楽しい旅行ができることでしょう。また、日没後にはLEDでライトアップされた華麗な光の世界が待っています。家族や恋人、友達同士で楽しい思い出を作ることができます。