Taebaek Station
Taebaek Station
Taebaek Station was originally called Hwangji Station when the rail first opened its route between Cheolam and Hwangji on December 10, 1962. An additional route from Gohan to Taebaek opened on October 6, 1974 and then the Taebaek Line eventually ran from Jecheon to Taebaek. Taebaek Station was mainly used by industrial trains and officially changed its name to Taebaek Station on December 1, 1984 in accordance with the name change of Hwangji-eup to Taebaek-si. When the Taebaek Line was initially opened, it was the only transportation method for residents of the Yeongdong area. It carried anthracite nation-wide as an industrial train, but it stopped this practice due to a policy change regarding coal. Located in the heart of Taebaek-si, a former coal town, Taebaek Station became a popular vacation spot. Tourists mainly from Seoul, Chungcheon-do and Jeolla-do areas visit the area by train. It offers clean, comfortable places and kind services to all visitors.