한국문학사의 대표적 시인이자 불교의 대선사, 민족운동가로 일제 강점기 암흑시대 겨레의 가슴에 영원히 꺼지지 않을 민족혼을 불어 넣어 주신 만해 한용운 선생의 문학성과 자유사상, 진보사상, 민족사상을 높이 기리고 선양하기 위한 실천의 장으로 설립되었다.
The Manhae Village was estabished as a training center, in memory of the national activist Manhae Han Yongun, revered for his literary and philosophical inspiration to the people. The property is organized into five buildings including the Manhae Literature Museum and the House of the Literary Man. This facility has a lodging capacity for up to 400 trainees or guests in 47 rooms. A number of other facilities complete this training institution including the School of Manhae which accommodates up to 250, the former debate venue of Simujang temple and Seowon Bojeon Hall for hands-on experience and practices. Reservations are open to private and group guests by phone and the internet. Nearby tourist destinations include the Manhae Village, Mt. Seoraksan National Park and Naerincheon rafting area among others.