
Jangneung is the tomb of Danjong, the 6th king of the Joseon Dynasty (r. 1441-1457). After having the throne taken away by Suyang Daegun, his uncle, Danjong was condemned to exile in Yeongwol County, where he was later murdered and his remains were abandoned in the Dongang River. When no one else was brave enough to find his body, Eom Heung-do, the governor of Yeongwol Lake, found his body and buried him in the tomb that later became Jangneung, one of the royal tombs of the Joseon Dynasty. Danjong had been stripped of his title at the time he was exiled. His title was later restored in the year 1698, during the reign of King Sukjong, receiving the posthumous name of Danjong, and thereafter was referred to as King Danjong.Jangneung houses such buildings as Jeongjagak, Baesikdansa, Jaesil, Yeongcheon, and Hongsammun, and a history hall with relics of Danjong. The area is surrounded by magnificent pine trees. Since 1967, a religious service called Danjongje is held every year on April 5th, according to the lunar calendar, in commemoration of Danjong.[Buildings in Jangneung]* Jeongjagak Stone – This is where a special offering is presented during the Danjongje service.* Danjongbigak Stone – The building houses the tombstone with the inscription "Joseonguk Danjong Daewang Jangneung."* Baesikdansa Temple – Built in 1791, the building enshrines the tablets of the subjects and eunuchs of Danjong who dedicated their lives to the king. Every year, a religious service is held on their behalf following the service for Danjong.* Yeongcheon Stream – Water was pumped from this well on Danjongje day. Normally, the well only produces a small amount of water, but it is said that water pours out in large amounts during the time of Danjongje.* Danjong History Hall – Miniature models depict the life of Danjong, from the time he became a king to the time of his death. 

Gyeonggi-do(Icheon-si) , Icheon

Icheon Termeden has an area of around 30,000 square meters. It is Korea’s first German style spa resort. It is located next to a thick forest, so visitors can enjoy the water and spa facilities and then take a stroll in the forest. The water park has a very large bade pool (a shallow pool that has many underwater massage jets), a hot spring spa, various sport facilities, arcades, a cultural hall, and various other subsidiary facilities.Unlike Japanese style spas, which contain mainly hot baths, Germany style western spas are more focused on water massages. Water jets located in the bade pool shoot out water, which massages various parts of the body and at the same time revitalizes the skin. In addition, you can walk, swim, or exercise in the water stream pool, which has a depth of 120 cm.Icheon Termeden started as a hot spring spa, but it plans to expand further into a multi-resort complex, which will include hotel and condominium facilities, an arboretum, a golf driving range, and horseback riding. 


Situated in north of the river in Chuncheon and also known as 'The City of Lakes', Gangwon-do Provincial Flower Garden is a gift of nature with its wonderful harmony of lakes and mountains. Gangwon-do Provincial Flower Garden was formed with intention to create and display Gangwon-do's local flower as well as to preserve nature, distribute and experiment. Gangwon-do's local flower exhibition and arboretum lasted from February 1996 to October 1998. It was opened to the public on May 20, 1999 where it has been used as nature observation for kids as well as a place to relax.Main facilities include Gangwon-do Forest Park, Gangwon-do Flower Museum, forest-product shop, information center and octagonal pavilion warehouse for farming utensils. An area covering 537,020 sq. ft. is filled with gardens, fountains, ponds, a stone bridge and many more.* Flower Garden ¬- 120,476㎡ (1,804 species / about 85,000 pieces)

Gyeonggi-do(Namyangju-si) , Namyangju

The Star Hill Resort (formerly "Mt.Cheonmasan Ski Resort") is located deep in the beautiful and mysterious Cheonmasan Mountains. Amazingly it is only 32km away from Seoul, so access to this picturesque and well-equipped leisure resort is extremely easy. As well as great skiing, visitors can enjoy a ‘experience’ programs at the tourist attractions located near the Cheonmasan Mountains.

Seoul(Jung-gu) , Seoul City Hall・Gwanghwamun

The Agricultural Museum first opened in 1987 and, after going through renovations, was reopened in July, 2005. The museum has three exhibition halls: the Agricultural History Hall, the Agricultural Community Hall, and the Agriculture Promotion Hall. In the museum, there are 2,000 artifacts on display and replicas of paddy fields, traditional homes, and marketplaces of agricultural societies. Through its variety of learning tools, the museums hopes visitors can gain a better understanding of what life was like for farmers in the past.


Located in Gongju-si, Gongsanseong Fortress is a mountain castle which was established during the Baekje Period (234-678). The castle is about 2.5km long, and there are two ways of touring the castle. One way is to start from the parking lot, pass the west gate, Geumseoru, and walk along the cement road. The other way is to turn left at the beginning of the cement road and walk along the top of the castle, which is called Sanseong Road. The cement road is very smooth and you can walk along it comfortably. On the other hand, Sanseong Road has many twists and the passage is narrow, but it has the advantage of following along the Geumgang riverside.When you begin the tour, the first site that you will meet is the Gongbukru, in front of the Sanseong village. From Gongbukru, follow the Sanseong Road, go over a low hill, and you will see Yeongeunsa, a small temple built in the 4th year of King Se-Jo’s reign. In front of the temple is Manharu and Yeonji, and this place is probably the most elegant out of the whole fortress. Enjoy the breathtaking view of the Geumgang riverside right here. Follow the trail path a little further up and Imryugak Pavilion appears, known as the largest of its kind within the fortress. You can glimpse a view of Geumgang River, but the trees may obstruct the open view of the scenery.It is worth the visit for its historical and cultural significance, and also for the beautiful view Geumgang riverside and the castle’s trail. The whole course is about 3 km, and 110m high, and so if you travel at a leisurely pace, it will take you about 2 hours and 30 minutes.


The Taehwagang River cuts across the heart of Ulsan City and flows into Ulsan Bay, which is connected to the East Sea. The river basin, which stretches 36 kilometers from east to west and 28 kilometers from north to south, is mostly comprised of mountainous terrain, but there is fertile land on both sides of the river and at the southern end of the river. The Taehwagang River is presently an important source of drinking water for the citizens of Ulsan. Taehwagang Simnidaebat is an extensive bamboo field covering the areas between Taehwa Bridge and Samho Bridge along the Taehwagang River. The bamboo field, which is about 4 kilometers long and 20-40 kilometers wide, was created by the villagers in hopes of preventing the frequent flooding that occurred during the Japanese colonial period. Today it is a rich bamboo forest. In spring, the flowering plant garden in Taehwagang Grand Park offers splendid scenery created by over 60 million spring flower blossoms from 7 different species that include poppies, cornflowers, and golden coreopsis. It is the largest single riverside flowering plant garden in the country.


Daegu Arboretum was built on a sanitary landfill. It is home to more than 1,000 species of plants including giant cacti, flowers, medicinal herbs, and trees. In addition, the facility regularly holds ecology experience programs for students and young children. Meanwhile, Daegu Arboretum has been recognized as an excellent model of ecosystem restoration.


Established in 2013, the Chang Kee-ryo Memorial Hall is a place honored for lifelong practice of sharing with poor neighbors and is often referred to as the Schweitzer of Korea.


Cheongpyeong Temple became more widely known with the opening of Soyang Dam and Waterway in 1973. A thirty-minutes walk from the dock, the temple stands on the southern ridge of Obongsan Mountain. It was first built in 973, during the reign of King Gwangjong (949-975) of the Goryeo Dynasty. It had been closed and opened from time to time, but still remains open today.During the Korean War, Gugwangjeon and Saseongjeon of the temple were damaged, but the Cheongpyeongsa Revolving Door (Treasure No.164), which symbolizes the transmigration of Souls, and Geukrakbojeon remains today. Near Cheongpyeongsa Temple is Cheongpyeongsa Valley, which is known for its clean water and Guseong Waterfall, known to make nine different sounds.Guseong Waterfall stands right next to the path and the water falls from the upright stone. Beyond the waterfall is an artificial pond 'Yeongji'. In the pond there are three big stones, and between those stones reeds were planted to reflect the pasture of Obongsan Mountain. Walk further down Yeongji pond and Cheongpyeongsa Temple can be seen. The path to Cheongpyongsa Temple is a pretty walkway surrounded by the woods and a clean valley.The three story stone pagoda of Cheongpyeongsa Temple has a myth attached to it. Once a young man who loved a princess was killed. He was born again as a snake and he stuck to the princess and would not get off her. The princess went to seek help at various famous temples to pray for the snake to leave her. One day she came to Cheongpyeongsa Temple and after the going through the Buddhist ceremony, the snake left her. In gratification, the princess built the 3-story pagoda above Guseong Waterfall and went back to her kingdom. The pagoda still remains today and is called Gongju Pagoda tower, 'gongju' meaning princess in Korean. In Cheongpyeong Temple, there is a garden that is the oldest garden of the Goryeo Dynasty made by Lee Ja-Hyeon. This garden has stones piled up into a trapezoidal shape, and a stream flows between the stone isles.