Renewal:2017-04-02 16:57:00

Clayarch Gimhae Museum 클레이아크 김해미술관

  • +82-55-340-7000
275-51, Jillye-ro, Jillye-myeon, Gimhae-si, Gyeongsangnam-do (경상남도 김해시 진례면 진례로 275-51)

The name “Clayarch” is a compound word of clay and “arch”, which is an abbreviation of “architecture”. It embodies the basic spirit of the museum, which is to pursue development in the field of architectural ceramics through working with science, art, education, and industry.

Clayarch Gimhae Museum aims to play a leading role in the development of architectural ceramics, which are now spreading across the globe. It intends to do so by rediscovering the relationship between ceramics and architecture – a matter that has been relatively ignored – as a new direction for ceramic art. This reflects the pluralism of this time, which seeks to pursue something creative and new and to overcome the limitations of specific fields through working with different genres. The museum seeks to actively lead this artistic attempt, and make aesthetic and scientific achievements in this field with theoretical backing gained through academic activities, lectures, and research.  

Utilization information

・Maximum Occupancy : 500 people

・Information : • 1330 Travel Hotline: +82-2-1330 (Korean, English, Japanese, Chinese)
• For more info: +82-55-340-7000 (Korean)

・Parking Facilities : 200 parking spaces

・Parking Fees : Free

・Closed : Mondays, January 1st, Seollal & Chuseok

・Admission Fees : [Adults]
Individuals: 2,000 won
Groups (20 - 100): 1,600 won
Groups (101 - 300): 1,400 won
Groups (300 or more): 1,000 won

Individuals: 1,000 won
Groups (20 - 100): 800 won
Groups (101 - 300): 700 won
Groups (300 or more): 500 won

Individuals: 500 won
Groups (20 - 100): 400 won
Groups (101 - 300): 350 won
Groups (300 or more): 250 won

・Operating Hours : 10:00-18:00 (Last admission is one hour before closing.)
※ Free admission for the Munhwadrimday (문화드림데이) every second Saturday and the last Wednesday of each month. (Exclusive of experience programs)

・Structure Size : Total area: 8,866.14㎡

Collections Status

5,036 fired paintings, ceramic architecture installation works, illustrations, drawings, photos and roof tiles, etc.

Program Information

Hands-on program for ceramic-making]
Individuals - Non-firing clay 5,000 won / Firing clay 10,000 won
Groups - Non-firing clay 5,000 won / Firing clay 8,000 won

- Program: One individual ceramic per person
※ Admission fee for guardian (when attending with individual children): 2,000 won
- Signing-up for the program
Individuals: Online reservation after making a phone-inquiry at +82-55-340-7060
Groups: 20 people of more (pre-reservation required)


Reservations required for groups over 20. (1 week in advance)
Online Application


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