12.12: the day

"12.12: The-Day" (서울의 봄, lit. "Spring in Seoul") stands as a significant achievement in South Korean cinema, bringing to life a pivotal chapter in Korean history. Directed by Kim Sung-su, the film released in 2023, quickly became the highest-grossing film of the year in Korea, amassing a striking $90.5 million by year-end.

Setting and Historical Background
The film unfolds during the harsh winter of Seoul in December 1979, a period of intense political upheaval following President Park's assassination. The declaration of martial law during this time sets the stage for the film's dramatic events, reflecting a key era in Korean history.

Central Conflict and Characters
At the heart of "12.12: The-Day" is the coup d'état led by Defense Security Commander Chun Doo-Kwang, played by Hwang Jung-Min. He is opposed by Capital Defense Commander Lee Tae-Shin, portrayed by Jung Woo-Sung, a character who firmly believes in the military's non-political role. Their confrontation drives the narrative's tension.

Integration of Historical Figures
The film gains authenticity by incorporating characters based on real-life figures from Korean history, offering viewers a deeper understanding of the personalities and events that shaped this significant time in Korea.

Director's Personal Insights
Kim Sung-su, the director, brings a personal touch to the film, drawing from his own experiences during the 1979 coup. As a high school student in Seoul at that time, his firsthand observations add a layer of realism to the film.

Audience Reception and Cultural Impact
Interestingly, "12.12: The-Day" has struck a chord particularly with younger audiences in Korea, demonstrating its effectiveness in connecting historical events to the contemporary era. The film's intense scenes have led to unique interactions among viewers, particularly on social media.

Legacy and Significance in Korean History
Beyond its commercial success, "12.12: The-Day" has revitalized interest in other works related to the 1979 coup. Its fusion of historical fact and creative narrative, along with the director's personal connection to the events, cements its place as a culturally and historically significant work in Korean cinema​​​​.

  • Genre : Drama
  • RELEASE_DATE: Nov 22, 2023
  • BOX_OFFICE_KO: 12,946,177
  • MOV_AGE: Video rating system Suitable for ages 12 and above Suitable for ages 12 and above
  • MOV_AGE_CODE: 2023-MF02836
  • MOV_TIME: 141min


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