Renewal:2016-12-27 18:49:31

Aegibong Peak 애기봉(김포)

  • +82-31-988-6128
139, Pyeonghwagongwon-ro, Haseong-myeon, Gimpo-si, Gyeonggi-do (경기도 김포시 하성면 평화공원로 139)

Aegibong Peak is located at the northern tip of Gimpo City about an hour’s drive from the downtown area. The mountain is where North and South Korea engaged in a fierce battle at the end of the Korean War; after the battle, Korea was divided into two nations. Since the peak is still a restricted area, visitors must present their passport in order to be admitted. From the peak, an open view of North Korean territory unfolds below and visitors can see South Korean territory as far as Songhaksan Mt. in Chungcheongnamdo Province.

Even before the Korean War, Aegibong carried much historical significance as the setting of the sad love story between the governor of Pyeongyang and his mistress. The two lovers were separated during the Sino-Korean War in 1636 and the peak (‘Ae, 애’ means love, ‘gi, 기’ mistress in Korean) was named in honor of their love.

In 1968, president Park Cheong Hee visited the peak and wrote a note by hand, saying the mistress' pain of being separated from her lover because of the war was much like those of families separated by the division of the two Koreas. The president’s writing was carved in a tablet and placed at the peak, where separated families still come every thanksgiving to perform an ancestral ritual and wish for reunification.

Currently, the observatory at the peak is used for security training. Within the observatory is Mangbaedan Altar, which is where those originally from North Korea perform rites honoring ancestors in the North. Every year, there is a giant tree at Christmas and large lamps on Buddha’s birthday that are lit up here, their lights so big and bright that the even shine onto North Korean soil. The observatory also contains a naval war monument that commemorates naval personnel lost in battle.

At the foot of the mountain, Han River empties into the ocean along the west coast, which is expressed by the term 'Jogang (조강)‘ (‘grandfather river’ in Korean). The scenery of the river with its boats, surrounding islands, and converging estuaries creates a unique and cozy scene that seems to be in harmony with the image of a kindly grandfather.

1) Only those traveling by car will be admitted.
**Entrance will not be granted to those traveling on foot or by bike.
2) All visitors are required to show their passport.
**Korea citizens may show their government-issued ID instead of their passport.
3) Visitors must be fluent in Korean or accompanied by someone who can speak Korean fluently.
4) Fill in the tour request form and submit it to the office at the entrance.
**All visitors must show ID; choose 1 person to fill out the form on behalf of your party.

1) View of North Korean territory through telescope
2) Naval War Monument
3) Navy promotion video
4) Lecture on Aegibong (reservations required)

Utilization information

・Information : • 1330 Travel Hotline: +82-2-1330
(Korean, English, Japanese, Chinese)
• For more info: +82-31-988-6128

・Parking Facilities : 100 parking spaces

・Closed : N/A (open all year round)

・Operating Hours : March-September: 08:00-18:00
October-February: 08:30-17:00

※ Hours subject to change.

Available Facilities

Aegibong Observatory, Aegibong Monument, Marine Corps Memorial Monument, Mangbaedan, Cheongnyong Tower, telescopes, walking path, rest areas, etc.

Admission Fees





[Subway + Bus]
Sinchon Station (Seoul Subway Line 2), Exit 1.
Go straight 300m to arrive at the bus stop.
Take bus 3000 and get off at Gunha-ri (군하리).
From Gunha-ri, take a taxi to Aegibong Peak (10min).

NOTE: Visitors may take public transportation to the entrance. However, to be admitted to the peak area, visitors MUST travel by car.

139, Pyeonghwagongwon-ro, Haseong-myeon, Gimpo-si, Gyeonggi-do


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