Renewal:2016-04-13 17:14:46

Seonamsa Temple - Suncheon 선암사

  • +82-61-754-5247, 5953, +82-61-754-9117, +82-61-754-6250
450, Seonamsa-gil, Seungju-eup, Suncheon-si, Jeollanam-do

Seonamsa is a beautiful temple located at the west end of Mt. Jogyesan. You have to walk about 1 km from the entrance to reach the temple. If you go along the valley, two rainbow shaped bridges appear; the large one at the back is Seungseon Bridge. Seungseon Bridge is designated as National Treasure No. 400, and it is Korea’s most beautiful arched stone bridge. Because it blends in so well with the valley below, it is often used as shooting location for movies and TV shows. Just beyond Seungseon Bridge is Gangseonru Tower, a fitting pair to the bridge before it. Walk by the tower and you will come across a small oval-shape pond called Samindang. There is a small isle inside the pond, and an evergreen on the isle makes for beautiful scenery. Go further and Ilju Gate appears. Then various temple buildings come out. The big timber blocks of the temple buildings are impressive, and they blend in elegantly with the surrounding mountains. Anywhere you look, the structures harmonize with the nature surrounding them. The hiking course on the left of Seonamsa Temple takes you to Ma-aebuli, the 7m high sculpture engraved on a rock.
Seonamsa Temple is beautiful throughout the year, but it is especially inviting during the spring when all the bluish and brilliant flowers start to bloom, as well as in the fall with the autumn colors.

Utilization information

・Information : Temple stay

・Information : • 1330 Travel Hotline: +82-2-1330 (Korean, English, Japanese, Chinese)
• For more info: +82-61-754-5247, 5953,
+82-61-754-9117, +82-61-754-6250

・Parking Facilities : Available

・Closed : N/A (Open all year round)

・Operating Hours : sunrise - sunset

Admission Fees

Adults: Individuals 2,000 won, Groups 1,700 won
Students: Individuals 1,500 won, Groups 1,200 won
Children: Individuals 1,000 won, Groups 800 won
*Groups: 30 people or more



Parking Fees

Small-sized car: 2,000 won / Large-sized car: 3,000 won

Korean Info. Service



From the Suncehon Jonghap Bus Terminal (순천종합버스터미널), take Bus 1 or 16 to Seonamsa Temple (선암사) bus stop.
From the entrance of the mountain, follow the trail for 1km to arrive at the temple.

450, Seonamsa-gil, Seungju-eup, Suncheon-si, Jeollanam-do


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